Eats Shoots & Leaves
Lynn Truss
The Penguin Group 2003
Reviewed by carol
Recommended for fans of writing, communicating
★ ★ ★ ★
I confess: I frequently find myself
self-conscious about my use of punctuation. A few years back, I even
bought a copy of Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style, but
have yet to read more than a chapter or two at a time before discovering
something else to do, even if it’s bathing the dog. Similarly, I
procrastinated on reading Eats Shoots & Leaves, and I
really shouldn’t have. Full of humor and information, it explains some
of the easier nuances to punctuation in a useful and engaging manner.
“The reason
it’s worth standing up for punctuation is not that it’s an arbitrary
system of notation known only to an over-sensitive elite who have
attacks of the vapours when they see it misapplied. The reason to stand
up for punctuation is that without it there is no reliable way of
communicating meaning… Punctuation directs you how to read, in the way
musical notation directs a musician how to play.“
Truss nicely covers the basics of
beginner to advanced punctuation with chapters devoted to each: a
rationale for punction, the apostrophe and its many uses, the comma, the
semi-colon and colon, the dash, the hyphen, and various brackets.
She makes brief mention of the punctuation debate surrounding the
Oxford comma, a concept I’ve heard referenced but didn’t understand (Is a
comma needed on the noun before ‘and’ when you are making a list? Ex.:
“I need to buy cream, coffee and sugar.”) Use is reviewed from a
British-English perspective, but she often makes note of where
American-English differs (except for the chapter she hilariously ends
with “unless, of course, you are in America“).
By integrating short pieces on the history of that particular
punctuation, she adds insight into language as an evolving process. In
fact, she when talking about the semi-colon, hyphen and dash, she notes
how usage is fading with hyphenated words, but the dash is enjoying a
resurgence with texting. Examples are pulled from personal accounts,
famous writers’ anecdotes, classic literature, plays and newspaper
articles, adding interest.
Humor runs through the book, increasing
its readability. Somewhat to my surprise, not only did I find myself
enjoying it, but also unwilling to put it down. I found myself chuckling
more than once, but that could just be nerd humor. For instance, in the
section on apostrophes, she relates a law mentioned in a newspaper
column, “the Law of Conservation of
Apostrophes. A heresy since the 13th century, this law states that a
balance exists in nature: ‘For every apostrophe omitted from an it’s,
there is an extra one put into an its.’ Thus the number of apostrophes
in circulation remains constant…” She also uses an engaging
strategy of relating a particular story, say perhaps, punctuating Keats’
name, then continuing to reference that story as appropriate, making it
into a witty running gag (Keats, St Thomas’ Hospital, Gertrude Stein,
From the start, Truss acknowledges that
those who insist on correct punctuation run the risk of being thought
more than a little daft. One of the enjoyable aspects of her writing is
how she is willing to acknowledge that truth, and yet continue to make
her case for clear communication. One of my favorite sections of
self-disparagement was when she calls apostrophe sticklers to arms:
“Here are the weapons required in the apostrophe war (stop when you start to feel uncomfortable):
correction fluid
big pens
stickers cut in a variety of sizes, both plain
(for sticking over unwanted apostrophes)
and coloured (for inserting where apostrophes are needed)
tin of pait with big brush
guerrilla-style clothing
strong medication for personality disorder
I get that frustration–I really do.
While I’m prone to be sloppy with grammar in general and to be forgiving
of punctuation while reading books, nothing makes my spine crawl like
seeing a post/text/note stating, “I had a busy day taking care of all my
patient’s.” (Patient’s what, exactly?) I wholeheartedly agree
with her; punctuation facilitates meaning. It dovetails with my feeling
that text messaging is inadequate for more than simple questions,
partially due to the lack of nuance from our hastily typed phrases.
Punctuation, tedious as it may seem, would help clarify those messages.
Besides, if we don’t start using the colon and semi-colon, our little
pinky finger on the right hand might start to wither away while we type.
Truss says so. All in all, a great refresher for one not versed in the
upper echelons of punctuation philosophy and an entertaining read.
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