Monday, November 2, 2015

Horribly Good Halloween Story

The Riggle Twins: A Selection from Bad Apples: Five Slices of Halloween HorrorThe Riggle Twins: A Selection from Bad Apples: Five Slices of Halloween Horror by Gregor Xane
Reviewed by Jason Koivu
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A spooky Halloween story that marries creepy with gory in just the right amounts!

The Riggle Twins is a delightfully devious tale from Gregor Xane, one of the few authors here on Goodreads who hasn't tried to force me to read his work...and so I read his work.

Two evil twins...well, I suppose calling twins evil is redundant...terrorize the neighborhood in revenge for past Halloweens in this quick and enjoyable story. Some good folks and some disagreeable folks get done over all in the name of the greater good evil.

It's a light read, but a nasty one. Those who can't stomach a bit of violence might want to pass on this one. I'm glad I didn't though!

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