The Stars Are Legion by Kameron Hurley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
First and foremost, thanks to the robot overlords at Angry Robot for this ARC. hear that boom? thats Kameron Hurley, she just dropped the mic on scifi for 2017. No spoilers but this story is beautiful, brutal as fuck, giant space opera. Weird, with just touchstones to the world we know and massive in scope. It is how Science fiction SHOULD BE DONE. Show me new worlds and things I never seen, put the bizarre in my face and make me beg you for more.
The bar has been raised, have been warned.
Don't request this ARC, come the release date, go throw money at your book seller, THIS is a winner.
90 out of 5 stars, and no....I wont explain that to you.
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