Debbie McGowan
Beaten Track Publishing
Reviewed by Nancy
3 out of 5 stars
Their band’s new single is due to be released in four days’ time and lovers Sven and Flavier are beyond excited. It’s tipped to be a big hit, and Flav can’t wait to see the online reaction to the promo film he’s made.
But when he joins Sven in bed, he couldn’t even begin to imagine the fallout that will ensue when he awakes, and all his dreams are shattered with just one click of an upload button.
Can he fix the damage caused by that one careless click or will he be condemned to endure Valentine’s Day alone?
My Review
Sven and Flavier are bandmates and have been lovers for 10 years. Sven is experienced both behind the camera and in front of it. He’s a sharp dresser, lead singer, and has a secret talent that is now known to the 12,000 people who viewed a private video Flavier accidentally uploaded in place of their band’s promo video.
Will this disaster be the end of their relationship?
I don’t often read stories about established couples and found this one to be unique and refreshing. It’s a short story, so we are not given an extensive background of Sven’s and Flavier’s relationship before or after the incident. In spite of the lack of details, the deep love Sven and Flavier have for each other is clearly evident and the hurt, pain and regret felt by Flavier is heartbreaking.
Nicely written, sad, sweet, and very erotic. I just wish it were a little longer.