Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Gothic Mystery

The Secret Rooms by Catherine Bailey
Reviewed by Diane K.M.
 My rating: 4 out of 5 stars

There is a saying: "More money, more problems." After reading this book, I think there should be an addendum for nobility: "More titles, more drama." 

"The Secret Rooms" is the story of the 9th Duke of Rutland, John Henry Montagu Manners, and the family secrets he tried to hide. Before John died of pneumonia in April 1940, he locked himself into his archive rooms at Belvoir Castle and would not come out, working ceaselessly on a mysterious project, even against his doctor's orders to rest. After John died, his son closed the rooms and no one was allowed in them for nearly 60 years.

"[John's] obsession with collecting struck me as pathological. The pursuit and ordering of objects appeared to lie at the core of his personality. It seemed to go far beyond mere interest -- it was all-consuming, a compulsion. It looked as if these collections represented some sort of refuge, a form of escape into a private world. But what had he wanted to escape from?"

In 2008, Catherine Bailey was working on a book about World War I and was one of the few who was granted access to the closeted archives, called the Muniment Rooms. While going through family letters and papers, she found several gaps in the collection, as if John had deliberately removed correspondence to try and hide something.* Bailey got on the trail and ended up writing a very different kind of book than what she started. What she found was a lot of family drama, a scandalous coverup, and at the heart of it, a deeply unhappy child. (At one point, my heart broke for sweet little John and I wished I could have given him a hug.)

"I was becoming more and more caught up in the mystery behind this man, and starting to follow a different story -- his story. In creating the gaps in his biography, he had erased so much of himself -- and so thoroughly."

There were a lot of things I liked about this book: the inside look at a duke's family; the workings of an English castle; the historical setting; the details of how estate life changed during the Twentieth Century; and some fascinating details about the start of World War I, when John was sent to France. 

Bailey mentions the incredible privileges the ducal families were afforded, but she also discusses the immense social pressures they faced. I liked having this humanist perspective on the bookish, introverted John; it seems he would have chosen a very different life for himself if he hadn't been under a tremendous amount of pressure from his parents to live up to his future role as duke.

My complaint about the book was with the writing style. Bailey told the story from her perspective; everything plodded along as she found various letters and clues, and she often closed a chapter with a trite tease, such as: "What I discovered next changed the course of my research entirely." I even wrote ARGH on a post-it to flag such a page. I admit I can be fussy about writing, and other readers might not be bothered at all by the chapter teases -- they might even like them.

I wondered if this book could have been better if Bailey had not told it in first-person, because she sometimes got bogged down in too many me-me-me details and descriptions. Could the story have been better told in third person? 

Despite this complaint, I was still drawn into the story and was anxious to solve the family mystery (or mysteries, to be more correct). The blurbs for this book usually reference Downton Abbey, and I would agree that fans of that TV show would probably enjoy delving into the real-life drama of an aristocratic family.** I would also recommend it to my fellow Anglophiles, or anyone who likes a good family mystery and historical drama.

*While reading, frequently I wondered what kind of archivists we are today, with so many communications only in digital texts, emails or in social media. We save so little correspondence in print. 

**For those who would like to read more about the American heiresses who married into the British nobility in the late 1800s and early 1900s, I recommend the fascinating book, "To Marry an English Lord" by Gail MacColl.

Cheap Shot

Robert B. Parker's Cheap ShotRobert B. Parker's Cheap Shot by Ace Atkins
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When the New England Patriot's Kinjo Heywood's son goes missing, Spenser is on the case. But who took him? Is it someone looking to squeeze a star football player out of some of his millions or is it someone with ties to Kinjo's past? Can Spenser, Hawk, and Z get Kinjo's son back in one piece?

I got this book via Goodread's Firstreads program. I've never been one of those guys that thinks Spenser is the best thing since fresh-sliced Phillip Marlowe so it wasn't a big deal for me when the Parker estate tapped Ace Atkins to take over. Lucky for me and the Parker estate, Atkins has the skills that pay the bills.

Cheap Shot reads like a long lost early Spenser. There's little talk of Spenser's man code and Spenser and Susan Silverman aren't nauseating everyone with all their relationship garbage. This is Spenser, Hawk, and their protege Zebulon Sixkill stirring up shit until the pot boils over.

Spenser's cases work best for me when his employer isn't squeaky clean and Kinjo Heywood fits the bill. He's a football player with some possible anger management issues and some skeletons in his closet. Complicating matters is his first wife, a strong woman who wants nothing but to get their son back.

Atkin's writing isn't a carbon copy of Parkers but it doesn't seem out of place either. He hits all the Parker hallmarks: slick dialog, descriptions of what people are wearing and eating, and Spenser and Hawk eventually getting into a confrontation with the bad guys. Spenser and Hawk rang true to form for me and felt pretty fresh.

The case had a lot of wrinkles. I was in the dark for quite a lot of the book. I figured out a couple pieces of how the ending was going to go but some of it still caught me napping. There was a plot twist at the 75% mark that surprised the crap out of me. The addition of Zebulon Sixkill to the supporting cast makes me want to backtrack and read more of the Spensers I've yet to read.

Cheap Shot was a really good read and I, for one, have no problem with Ace Atkins continuing the series as long as he wants. Four out of five stars.

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Deathmaster: Adventures in the Uncharted 39th DimensionDeathmaster: Adventures in the Uncharted 39th Dimension by Kent Hill
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

A loser named Bobby Dragon is plucked from his old life and into the middle of a dimension-spanning war. Can he fill his father's shoes and become The Deathmaster in time to save the girl and the cosmos?

If I have one weakness, and that's a big 'if,' it's for shitty science fiction and fantasy movies. Deathmaster throws all the schlock favorites from the science fiction and fantasy section of the video store into a blender, dispensing forth cheesy gold.

Bobby Dragon is a coward and a smart ass and is plucked from his old life by purple aliens, expecting him to take up where his father left off and become The Deathmaster, a sword-wielding hero of remarkable ass-kicking ability. Unfortunately, he can barely lift the sword and must go on a quest to unlock its power before confronting the evil Overlord.

The writing is pretty good, narrated in the first person like an Edgar Rice Burroughs John Carter of Mars tale, which is what The Deathmaster most resembles. There are tons of references to 80's movies, as well a Joe Lansdale reference. The action scenes are as over the top as those of it's progenitors and Bobby Dragon reminds of Jack Burton, both in word and in deed, at first. When he finally comes into his own and steps up as The Deathmaster, it's almost orgasmic.

The Deathmaster is both a hero's journey tale and a combination of every crappy sf/fantasy movie made during the glorious decade of the 1980's. If Highlander, The Beastmaster, Deathstalker, and The Last Starfighter had an orgy, The Deathmaster would be the fruit of that glorious union. It's full of cheesy dialogue and ridiculously over the top action sequences. 3.5 out of 5 stars.

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