My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Watt O'Hugh the Third is a gunslinging cowboy in a wild west show but he's also something much more. When J.P. Morgan gets Watt thrown into a Wyoming prison, what has he gotten himself into? And can he bust out and reunite with the woman he loves?
The Ghosts of Watt O’Hugh is the first part of a memoir written by a time-traveling cowboy. Watt goes from roaming the West to starring in a Wild West show to finding himself railroaded by J.P. Morgan into stopping whatever it is that's going on in the paradisaical mountain town of Sidonia.
As you might be able to tell, The Ghosts of Watt O'Hugh is a genre-bender with an epic scope. It's also a tale of lost love since Watt can't put his feelings for Lucy Billings aside.
The book was actually pretty funny at times, although there's an underlying current of sadness. There were enough unanswered questions to keep me plowing through the book when I should have been doing other things.
I liked this book but I wanted to love it. I don't know if it was a case of wrong book, wrong time, but I felt like I was in the dark for a lot of it. Watt's a pretty interesting character, though, and I'm curious about what finally shakes out. I'll probably wait until the trilogy is completed, though. Three out of five stars, though I plan on re-reading it once the trilogy is complete.
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